7:52 PM

For beginners, every mistake costs them an entire stack. Sometimes, you don’t tend to take the magnitude into account. So, even a small mistake which may not come into your consideration of mistakes might cost you a small pot which is again a part of your large stack. Mostly, people don’t tend to correct these mistakes which leads to an aggravation of that mistake again. These kinds of mistakes don’t happen often but cost you a small pot every time which get expensive in the long run.

The choices you make is what makes your boat float. So, instead of bailing yourself out correct those mistakes once and for all.

These are the common mistake beginners make. We might use poker terms here so do refer to those words if the meaning is not known.

Don’t anticipate for coin flips:
This happens to people who watch poker on TV, learning from TVis not a good way if you are a beginner. There is a constant occurrence of coin flipping in the TV tournaments. So, the viewers are very excited about the coin flips which also make it a factor to prolong the game.

It is never correct to search for a pre-flip coin. When facing an all-in bet the beginner holding A-K will focus on the following logic.

Ahead of any no pair hands
Coin flip to any pair below KK
Only behind KK and AA and have three outs to KK
Overplaying hands:
This is one more common mistake made by the beginners. If you watch them closely, you will know that they will never fold anything or equal to their top pair. As you play more poker you will realisethat you get less comfortable with marginal hands. There is a huge difference a beginner flopping a coin and a pro doing the same. The only hand the professional can make money is due to three factors. They are:

Top pair
Big kicker scenario
Here the player with that hand overplays it himself. You will have a marginal hand if you less than anything that the high end of the straight. And you should not be looking to play a large pot.

Don’t draw on dangerous boards:
Once you hit the draw you have committed to putting money in the pot. This will can be from anywhere from your whole stack. When you hit draw on the board then hitting is the worst thing which can happen to you. After hitting your flush anyone will be willing to put money inside that pot. Don’t lose a good card when you have given in on a draw.

Playing on Scared money:
Sometimes beginners play with a small roll or no roll at all. Hence playing on scared money. That is if you are unwilling to risk your entire stack your opponents will make use of it against you again. You go there to learn the game and money is just an incentive from it. So, never let your confidence down on risking your entire stack.